What for? This is the first question you need to ask yourself when decide which PHP hosting plan to choose. You can create a personal site to practice with web programs or need to share your video and photos with the rest of the world or you just developing a new branch in your large business to promote.

Best PHP Web Hosting Sites

Rank Provider Price Disk Space Bandwidth Domain Review Sign Up
1 Hostgator
$4.95 Unlimited Unlimited $15.00 Review Sign Up
2 Justhost
$3.45 Unlimited Unlimited FREE Review Sign Up
3 Arvixe Hosting
$4.00 Unlimited Unlimited FREE Review Sign Up
4 InMotion Hosting
$3.00 100 Gb 1,000 Gb FREE Review Sign Up
5 Mochahost Hosting
$2.63 Unlimited Unlimited FREE Review Sign Up

Best PHP MySQL Hosting Companies


Today every web project you create needs hosting. Buying virtual space for your web site is a serious stage that influences many points of your project’s further development. Many web sites are created today by means of the popular PHP technology. This programming language allows you to develop dynamic web pages. PHP is an open source product, which makes it even more reliable and efficient.

Another important feature of this programming language is that you can embed PHP into HTML pages. If your project works with PHP, and you need to add a database to your site, it is preferable to use MySQL format. MySQL is a Linux/UNIX-based system for adding, editing and administering database content. MySQL is a very important part of most applications programmed on PHP.

Many companies that suggest you PHP MySQL Hosting on the web work with three types of solutions. The most common of them is Shared Hosting. This solution provides you a certain part of disk space, bandwidth and relevant services on a shared server. This type of servers can host several projects at once. Shared hosting is good for small start-up projects, and its main advantage is low price.

Another option offered by many web host companies is VPS Hosting. This type of servers gives you wider opportunities. It has almost the same function range as Dedicated Hosting Packages. The only difference is the smaller amount of resources provided. VPS hosting is the best option for web projects of middle size — it gives you good security, flexibility and comparatively low prices.

The last, but certainly not the least option suggested to you by many providers is Dedicated Hosting. These solutions give you a whole server and suggest either to manage it yourself or delegate these duties to the hosting company. Dedicated PHP MySQL Hosting is good for really big projects with dynamically growing databases and amounts of content. Also, the price for Dedicated Hosting is the highest.

Different web host companies work either with Linux-based or Windows-based servers. These options provide you different useful services. If you have already chosen to work with PHP and MySQL, then Linux-based servers are preferable for you. This operating system makes your web page flexible and easily adjustable to any necessary changes.

To choose the best company offering PHP MySQL server hosting we advise you to make a list of companies that fit your requirements best. For this, choose the most popular Linux-based web host companies. From among them you can now choose those offering the type of hosting you need — Shared, VPS or Dedicated.

Afterwards, you can check these companies for reliability. For this find different reviews of the companies on the web. Also, you should pay attention to prices, as they can vary a lot. When you make the final rating of companies corresponding to their platform, packages, provided services and prices, the choice will already be not that hard. You will have to choose the best combination of options, and that’s it.

Why You Need MySQL Hosting?

MySQL hosting is a necessary part of any web project that has databases. If your web page contains PHP codes, you will need to use MySQL scripts for working with big amounts of database info. Databases are a convenient instrument that allows you to accumulate big amounts of information in table format. Databases also make searching information on your site much faster.

The main advantage of MySQL is that it’s free. You can use it to host a database, where this service is not included by the the provider. It will not cause any trouble creating and managing a MySQL database, as it is specially developed to make these processes easier and faster. You can adjust this type of databases both to PHP and ASP.NET hosting services, though PHP is preferable.

Besides the good compatibility and absence of license fee, MySQL data storage also comes with convenient data management software. You can also find good database wizards for MySQL. They will help you create a good database in a few steps.

PHP My SQL Hosting Sites

Developing a web page that works with PHP/MySQL hosting is a popular solution in the modern programming world. The combination of these two services guarantees you a relatively dynamic site. You can use plain PHP programming, but in most cases it is better to combine it with MySQL. Thus your web project will get fast functioning and firm structure.

When you decide to order PHP MySQL hosting for your future web site, you should examine well all existing types of PHP hosting to make the best choice. You can find different versions of SQL software on the web, but MySQL is probably the most popular and efficient among them.

PHP MySQL hosting allows you to create a dynamic web site with flexible structure that will work best on a Linux-based server. The site can be adjusted to all your needs. You can even transfer it to Windows hosting if it’s needed. MySQL databases will improve the speed of work and introduce some necessary options to your web site. For instance, these databases make search and users management much easier.

Linux MySQL Hosting Reviews

To choose the best option for your future project we advise you to browse the web in search of good Linux MySQL hosting reviews. They will let you understand the advantages and disadvantages of different service providers, which is good for making a correct choice. This market is developing really fast today, so finding different reviews and expert opinions is not a problem at all.

A regular review will contain information about basic functions that you will get after purchasing hosting from the chosen company. They will also tell you about extra features you may get like free support or multiple domains. And, of course, they will write about the advantages and disadvantages of different web host companies.

Linux MySQL Hosting gets ever more popular, so it’s not a problem to find a good provider of this service. You will only have to browse a bit. Also, use our advise from above, and make a list of potential companies that make good hosting offers. Using that list you can browse some reviews, and make the correct decision.

cPanel Hosting Plans

Many hosting offers that you can find on the web suggest to simplify the administration and maintenance of your page. For this you can use a special package of ready solutions called Control Panel, or cPanel. In most cases, cPanel is included into your hosting plan, and costs nothing. Anyway, for extra fee you can purchase many different add-ons that help you manage your hosting even better.

Control panel suggests work in a usual web browser window, and provides many interesting solutions for managing and supporting your site and hosting. Its main purpose is to reduce the amount of time you need for different operations. For instance, you can waste time writing codes for a contact page, or make a couple of clicks in cPanel to get it in a moment.

This instrument saves your time and nerves. All suggested solutions are already checked and work perfectly well. You can also use it for keeping track of your site statistics. In only a couple of clicks you will get information about the number of users that visited your page over the chosen period of time. CPanel Hosting is a very good way to save your time, so we advise to use it.

Cheap PHP MySQL Hosting

Today the competition in the market is really severe, so you can find offers with different prices. If you have a new web project, you will certainly look for cheap hosting. There are many different options to get cheap web hosting. The easiest of them is to purchase a shared hosting package. This will give you the lowest price in the market, though you will also get certain restrictions.

Shared hosting has several disadvantages like a possibility of bad neighbourhood or small bandwidth. Still, if your site doesn’t require many resources, this option is your best choice. When your company is big enough, but your finances are still limited, you can look for cheap VPS or Dedicated hosting. This option will give you a lot of opportunities to develop your project on an individual server.

If you decide to purchase cheap dedicated hosting, it is necessary to examine all their conditions in details. The main disadvantage you may get with cheap dedicated hosting is lower performance of server hardware. Anyway, you can always change your cheap package to more expensive one, when your project gives more profits.